Morbi Ceramic Industry News

Morbi Ceramic Industry News – 90 Percent Ceramic Units have Shut down Due to Cyclone Tauktae for 2 Days

Morbi Ceramic Industry News May 2021

In this article, we will discuss Morbi ceramic industry news in May 2021. Many factories in Morbi have stopped due to cyclone Tauktae. As the current pandemic is going on in India, the Morbi ceramic industry has faced many problems in the past few months.

Cyclone Tauktae Morbi 

90 Percent Ceramic Units in Morbi have Shut down Due to Cyclone Tauktae for 2 to 3 Days

There is a warning issued due to the cyclonic storm Tauktae in morbi on 15th May 2021. Cyclone Tauktae has hit the coastal areas of Gujarat on May 17. After that the morbi tiles factories will resume their production. 

Most of the ceramic factories in morbi have stopped due to wind speed. If the wind speed is more than 100 then it may cause heavy damage to the unit’s shade. It will be a big problem in tiles factories such as destroy of cement sheets, spray drier, worker room, chimney, electric devices.

Nileshbhai Jetpariya, Vinodbhai Vidja, Mukeshbhai Kundaria, all members heads of Morbi Ceramic association have informed all the factory units to take proper measure in wake of cyclone Tauktae.

Morbi Ceramic Association is continuously monitoring the situation in Morbi and helping the people in need.

Many tiles factories will be closed for two to three days from May 17 to May 19, 2021. Other industries such as Clock, Papermill have also closed in the wake of the cyclone.

After the first lockdown, the ceramic industry has boomed continuously till March 2021. But due to the second wave, there was a sudden increase of covid case in Morbi. This has affected the Morbi ceramic industry. 

Simpolo vitrified have launched Covid Recovery center at Bharat van hall, morbi. It has 80 beds used to treat covid patients. It has 65 oxygen beds and is open 24 hours a day. 

Credit – Simpolo Ceramics YouTube

The Morbi Ceramic Association had already set up a 65-ton oxygen storage plant which had helped the morbi district. 

Read about65 Storage oxygen Storage plant news 

Morbi Ceramic Industry has been severely affected in the second wave of corona pandemic in India. Due to Mini Lockdown in morbi, many businesses are operated in a limited capacity. 

The ceramic factories are facing various problems currently. We will discuss it in this article. 

The Covid case has been reduced in morbi due to the Mini Lockdown and Night curfew from last month. The situation has improved in morbi in May month due to limited shop opening hours.

Most of the morbi tiles factories display has stopped due to the covid case increase. Many factories have limited staff at the factory. States like Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, and Delhi are having partial or full Lockdown.  

This second wave has affected India very much. Existing ceramic tiles plants are operating at low capacity. 

Various problems faced by morbi Tiles Factories

After the First lockdown, the morbi ceramic factories have been continually operating at full production capacity. But during the second wave, the morbi tiles industry is facing many problems due to lockdown across India.

Factory God won Full – As there is a lockdown in many states, there is a rise in stock inventory and many factories have been stopped due to no storage space in the godown. There is no space in the factory to store finished goods.

Most of the factory tiles in morbi have their God won full. The main issue is transportation, many states Lockdown so no transport between those states. 

Shortage of Containers – as there is a limited supply of containers, the transportation of tiles mostly happens in containers to the southern part of India. Due to lockdown in many states, the containers are not arriving in morbi back. This has led to a shortage which has increased the freight from morbi to Kerala, Tamilnadu, and Karnataka. 

The shortage of international containers is also another problem for morbi tiles factories. This makes the export of ceramic tiles difficult.

Shortage of workers – Many workers have migrated to their hometowns due to lockdown. They are not able to come back due to the lockdown across various states. Workers are facing difficulties in moving to their homes. Many workers have gone in fear of Lockdown as at the time of first Lockdown they have no way of going back to their homes. 

Raw Material Shortage and Price Increase – Slowly as the business started after lockdown, many raw material prices have increased. This has led to a shortage of many materials. 

Factory Shut Down – There is a 50 percent reduction in the production of tiles due to the lockdown. More than 150 factories are currently shut-in morbi as of 15th May 2021. If this situation arises, maybe 100 to 150 factories will be shut down in morbi.

New Tiles Factories Delay 

Many new factories which were to be started in March – April 2021, are still not started due to various problems like worker shortage, limited raw material supply, and delivery installation of machinery, shortage of construction material such as cement, iron, and steel. 

There has been a delay of one to two months for new factories starting in morbi. The new factories will take longer to start due to these problems.

About 80 new plants which were started in morbi during 2020, are in the last stage of completion. 

Many new factories of various tiles such as Wall tiles, Vitrified Tiles, Slab Tiles will be in Production soon. 

Also Read Morbi Ceramic Industry News – Morbi Ceramic Report October 2020 

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